Mobile app development is a growing trend in the tech world. Mobile apps are a great way to increase businesses’ online presence and grow and generate more revenue. There are many different types of apps, but each has its unique set of requirements.
In this article, we’ll approach hybrid app development.
Here is what we’ll discuss on the hybrid app development approach:
- What are hybrid apps?
- Hybrid vs. native vs. web apps
- Examples of hybrid apps
- Advantages of hybrid apps
- How are hybrid apps built?
1. What are Hybrid Apps?
Hybrid apps are the new app trend. As more and more companies look to take advantage of the power of the cloud, hybrid apps are quickly becoming a popular way to get your project into the user’s hands. Hybrid apps are a way to combine the best of both worlds, the functionality and ease of use of an app and the stability and reliability of a website.
In other words, hybrid app development is a way to create an app that uses web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which can be used together or separately to build the user interface.
Hybrid app development aims to create an experience that looks and feels like a native app while still using the same underlying technology as your web apps. That way, you don’t have to worry about how your users will interact with their phones or tablets when they’re on the go; all they need is to access your website or app so long as it’s online. This also makes it easier for developers unfamiliar with native languages like Objective-C or Swift. These tools don’t require special knowledge beyond understanding basic HTML5 syntaxes needed when building responsive websites today.
2. Hybrid vs. Native vs. Web Apps
Mobile apps are divided into three categories:
Hybrid Apps
These are made up of HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript code, but they run in a WebView on Android devices or Chrome extensions on desktop browsers. The code is executed directly within these browsers and is not downloaded from the server as native apps do.
Native Apps
These are apps built using Swift or Objective-C for iOS and Java or Kotlin for Android. The only difference between native and hybrid apps is that hybrid apps have a web-based interface but contain native code underneath.
Web Apps
These websites have been built using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript, but they are hosted on servers instead of downloaded locally, like hybrid apps installed on computers or mobile devices.
3. Examples of Hybrid Apps
Hybrid apps are the most common type of app, and they’re the ones that most people think of when they hear “app.” Hybrid apps combine elements from both web and mobile apps to create a unique experience. Here are some famous hybrid apps examples:
- Gmail
- Uber
4. Advantages of Hybrid Apps
These are some of the advantages of the hybrid app:
Deployed on multiple platforms
A hybrid app is typically deployed across different platforms, such as mobile devices, desktop computers/laptops, and tablets (such as iPads). This gives you an edge over developers who can only develop one type of application with unique features but not multi-platform compatible ones.
Hybrid apps are much cheaper than building a single–platform app from scratch. The cost of development and maintenance is significantly lower, which allows you to offer your services at lower prices.
A hybrid app can be easily modified according to user needs and requirements. This enables you to cater to all users who want more flexibility in their applications or websites.
Hybrid apps use HTML, which makes them easy to maintain. You don’t have to make a new hybrid app when there are new operating systems because it can function without any changes made to the new operating system.
Development Time
Since hybrid apps are made with only one codebase, they are cost-effective. Compared to native apps, the development time of hybrid apps is much faster.
5. How are Hybrid Apps Built?
Hybrid apps are built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Thus, you need to know these three technologies in order to build one.
HTML is used for creating web pages. More specifically, it’s used for showing the content. CSS is a style sheet language that defines the look and feel of your site’s pages. JavaScript is a programming language that enables dynamic user interfaces in web applications.
Hybrid apps use all three of these languages to create their functionality. It’s not just one or two languages being used in isolation; they’re all mixed.
Final thoughts
Hybrid app development is a good way to make the most of your time, budget, and resources. It allows you to combine the best parts of both app development methods into one, allowing you to focus all your attention on one project at a time. However, if you have questions about app development hybrid approach or need help with your current project, feel free to reach out 😊