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7 Important Steps in App Development You Don’t Want to Ignore

December 22, 2022 | Mobile App
7 Mobile App Development Steps 

Mobile app development is a great way to make your business more efficient, whether you’re looking for a new way to communicate with customers or just want a new tool to use in your daily life. Mobile app development can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be. We’ve taken the time to break down the steps you’ll need to take to start the app development process today. 

Here are 7 steps in mobile app development to follow: 

  • Idea 
  • Plan and analysis 
  • Design 
  • Development 
  • Testing 
  • Deployment and launch 
  • Track the metrics 

1. Idea 

Beach Club Idea GIF by MTV’s Lindsay Lohan’s Beach Club - Find & Share on GIPHY

To begin with mobile app development, you first need an idea or a concept of what you want to build. You should define what you want to offer your target audience. Also, ask yourself questions like: What is my goal? What problem I’m trying to solve, and what features do I need to solve that problem? 

Maybe your general app idea won’t be unique, but if you have unique ways to solve the customer’s problems, you’ll have a successful app. 

2. Plan and Analysis 

Men In Black Plan GIF by Men In Black: International - Find & Share on GIPHY

Since the main concept has been properly outlined, identifying the most critical elements involved in the actual planning is the next phase in developing a mobile app. Remember that there are probably already one or more apps in the app store that are similar to your idea. Don’t let this demotivate you, though. Focus on creating your target audience rather than waiting for the ideal, original concept. Spend some time on analysis and market research to see your user persona’s needs and requirements. Also, do some research to see what did and didn’t perform well on the apps with similar goals as yours that are already on the market. Take their weaknesses and make them your strength. 

3. Design 

This is the fun part of the development process. Design is one of the most important app development steps. It’s the first thing that catches the eye when you use an app, right? And you know, the first impression could be the last, so make sure you create a good design. In this part, your focus should be on navigation, colors, layouts, and user interface design. Design your app carefully if you want a user-friendly and cool app to provide your target audience. 

4. Development 

The actual stage of developing a mobile app is now. The goal is to develop the best version of the product you have in mind within the parameters of cost and timeline. Pick the kind of app you want to create. Here are three types of apps: 

Native apps – Are built for a specific operating system. For example, you can build a native app for Android or iPhone. You can also build one native app to operate in both, but you’ll need a different code base. 

Web apps – These are similar to native apps but are accessible via a browser on a mobile device. You don’t have to download or install code on your device. They’re adaptive to the device you’re using them on. 

Hybrid apps – These are a combination of web and native apps. You can create hybrid apps on multiple platforms with only one code. 

Development is the longest phase of the whole mobile development process. In this phase, you should also focus on frontend and backend development. 

Frontend development – This is where users will engage with your website. This determines your app’s appearance, which should be appealing and valuable enough to attract users. 

Backend development – The most crucial consideration when choosing the development phase is that database, and server-side objects are required to support a mobile app operation. You should modify the backend platform you’re utilizing to make room for the essential mobile app functionality. 

5. Testing 

The testing phase follows, during which you test your app to see if its features are operational. Creating mobile apps must include quality assurance testing, guaranteeing the app’s good performance, security, and usefulness. You must create good test cases that cover all of the app’s crucial testing stages. 

Before launching your app, do user experience, functionality, performance, security, and platform testing. 

6. Deployment and Launch 

You’re ready to deploy and launch your app to the app stores as soon as you’re all clear with the testing process. You can choose whether you want to release your app on Android and iOS or only one of them. Both have their policies about launching a new app. Once you apply to the app stores and everything goes right, the store will review your app, and the process will go just for several days. 

After all the steps in app development, from the idea to the launching, it’s time you get the first reviews and installations. And if you think your job is done, you’re wrong. You still have work to do.  

7. Track the Metrics 

As mentioned above, you’ll get reviews after launching your app in the app stores. It’s always a good idea to check the reviews from real users. That can help you know about your app’s usability and make improvements if necessary. Also, track the metrics like installations, profiles of active users, social shares, etc. It’s one of the ways to measure an app’s success

Final thoughts

The mobile app development process can sometimes be overwhelming and time-consuming. But if you follow the right steps and have the right training, it will be a piece of cake. Start working with an idea and take the planning and analysis stage seriously. Before the development stage, ensure you have a nice, user-friendly design. And finally, prepare your app to launch and then enjoy the feedback. 

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